Openly Fluffy Year of 2018 Recap

January 01, 2019

Openly Fluffy Year of 2018 Recap

Happy New Year! It's that time of year when we can celebrate the things that changed us over the past 12 months and reflect on what direction we wish to set for ourselves for the next 12.

The past year has been the most serendipitous and wonderful time for me in meeting and making so many new friends and so thank you for all the time you shared with me through it and helping to make 2018 such an amazing year for me and for the Comfy Corner.

Fluff Thoughts

At the start of the year, we were only dabbling with Creative streams for Pokepaint and Snacks with ClumsyWolfy while still mainly playing through various Action/Adventure games. The changes and the growth of our community and stream has been astounding to me and one of my big worries last year was about losing our sense of the original mission/vision of Instafluff being a place where anybody could come and instantly feel comfortable without any pressure or expectation but as I look back, I feel instead that it has gotten stronger through everything and so I'm really happy and grateful that we have been able to keep essence of the Comfy Corner and hope we can continue to do so.

It is also incredible to see how many projects we worked on through 2018 in Github. Can you believe we have 33 different Github repositories now? Starting from Pixelguess and Ear Raider to Doggo's Inferno from our very first Ludum Dare participation and skydiving penguins in Penguin Drop, we've built all sorts of projects in Coding Cafe!

Reflecting on some of the things I feel need improving for myself, I still have yet to fix the Instafluff app from January of last year so that we can use it again and there are other plans and tasks that have stayed on the backburner. This year, I hope to get to these things soon and improve on not overcommitting myself all the time (something I've done all my life!). We'll see how it goes!


This year, we will continue with Coding Cafe and see where we can take our new layout and space as well. One of the things I would like to build out is a website so I plan to work on that soon.


For this update, I would like to wish you a very happy start to your new year and ask you to look back on all of your best memories in the past year and write them down when you get a chance.


  • Thank you for making 2018 so amazing
  • 33 Github Repositories!
  • Continuing with Coding Cafe for 2019
  • What are your best memories of the past year?

Happy New Year and let's make this year even comfier!

Stay Comfy,
