Welcome to the Comfy Corner!

Hello! I'm Instafluff®, the Comfiest Coder and Mug Chef on Twitch and we are all about getting more comfy with ourselves and the world around us.

We gather on twitch.tv/instafluff and hang out in Discord outside of that schedule.

Coding Cafe

Come and relax in the Comfiest Corner of Twitch

Visit Instafluff's Channel

Some of My Popular Projects

My projects are available open-source on GitHub!
If you find them useful, please consider financially supporting my work by becoming a Comfy Sponsor!

The Comfy Mug Chef's Spellbook!

My best-selling book! :D
A mug cookbook created with Julie Okahara designed for families and kids of all ages.

Ooh, I want a copy!
Spellbook Cover
Spellbook Spread

Twitch Extensions

Extensions that you can add to your Twitch channel!



Twitch Extension to break down language barriers among viewers!

View ChatTranslator


Twitch Extension to remove the hassle of highlighting chat text!

View ClippyRaid